Universitat Rovira i Virgili

She is lecturer in Procedural Law in the Department of Private, Procedural and Financial Law at the Rovira i Virgili University since 2010. She holds a PhD in Law from the same university with international mention (2014) and an extraordinary doctorate award (2015).

She has participated in different national and international research projects and is currently a member of the European Project "Impact of the Barnahus model on protecting rights of children victims of sexual abuse in the criminal justice system", of the OAK Foundation, led by prof. Núria Torres Rosell; of the R+D research projects of the Ministry of Science and Innovation: "New technological challenges of evidentiary law", whose principal investigator is prof. Joan Picó i Junoy, and "New gender challenges of evidentiary law", whose principal investigator is prof. Elisabet Cerrato Guri; as well as the Consolidated Research Group "Retos del Derecho Procesal" (ReDePro) of the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Ha estat mereixedora de diferents premis, beques i ajuts obtinguts en convocatòries públiques i competitives, entre els quals destaquen aquests darrers: la Beca concedida pel Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada del Departament de Justícia de la Generalitat de Catalunya per fer un estudi sobre l'execució civil privada (2019); el premi del Consell Social de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili to the Social Impact of Research (2020), ex post modality, with the proposal "The impact of research in foreclosure as a driving force to promote new dynamics in the courts of justice"; the prize for research works of the Catalan Association of Judicial and Forensic Experts. XII Edition, entitled "The control of the impartiality of the expert through the stripes (study of art. 343 LEC)" (2021); i el premi del Consell Social de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili a l'Impacte Social de la Recerca (2023), modalitat ex ante, amb el projecte "Impact of the Barnahus model on protegeix rights of children victims of sexual abuse in the criminal justice system".

She is the author of numerous publications on evidentiary matters, in the criminal and civil field, and on civil procedure, highlighting her monograph "Les interventions telefònics en el procés penal" (edit. JM Bosch, 2014). He has participated in several national and international scientific congresses and conferences as a speaker, communicator and member of the organization committees. Also, ha realitzat diferents estades de recerca en centres nacionals i estrangers: tres a la Oxford University, England (2012, 2015 i 2019), una a la Universitat degli studi di Bologna, Itàlia (2013) i una a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra ( 2022).


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